Frequently Asked Questions Chart

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You can learn more about Chart software by looking at the videos, application notes and manuals.

Why can I see steps in my data instead of getting smooth curves?

It is likely that you have chosen a recording range which is too big and you are seeing digitization. If your peaks are only a few millivolts high, and you have left the default 10 volt range, you will see stepped peaks; the signal and areas will be inaccurate. You should select a recording range slightly higher than the largest signal you will record. Have a look at the Basics of Data Acquisition application note.

Why am I getting a noisy signal? / Why is there noise in my data?

There can be many reasons why you are getting noise. Have a look at this application note.

I have a problem with the software. What can I do?

The first thing to do is always to make sure you are using the latest version of the software. Visit the software download page and if there is a new version, download and install it. Your problem may have been solved in the new version.

You can then check the videos, application dates and manuals to see if your problem is explained in these.

Why has Chart software stopped working with Windows 10?

A new version of Chart software, v5.5.20, has been uploaded to the eDAQ website. This version fixes a bug introduced by Microsoft in the Windows 10 "Anniversary Update", which started being sent to computers on the 2nd of August 2016. After updating Windows, Chart was no longer able to run, instead displaying an error about a missing DLL "ext-ms-win-gdi-desktop-l1-1-0.dll".

This is the only change in this version of Chart software and this new version is required if you are using Windows 10. The new version of Chart can be downloaded from here

What are Chart Extensions?

Chart extensions are small software plug-ins that add extra features to the Chart software. The extensions and their manuals can be downloaded from here.

For example, the “FIA (flow injection analysis)” extension makes it easy to integrate peaks, assign each peak as a standard or sample, draw a calibration graph and make a report. The “pH calibration” extension makes it easy to convert the recorded voltage signal to pH values. The “Export Matlab” extension lets to export your data in Matlab format.

You can download and install as many of the Chart extensions as you want.