Software Downloads

You can read details about the software below from here.

To download software from this website you will need to register with us first.

Chart 5 software icon  Chart Win   v5.5.27 (17 jun 2019) Support for the ER467. EA165
Mac * v5.5.6 * (23 Jul 2008) Support for V2 Licence code
Scope software  Scope Win v4.1.4 (18 Aug 2016) Supports updated ecorder hardware, the new EA362 Dual Picostat, and ER466 Potentiostat.
Mac * v4.5.4 * (23 Jul 2008) Support for the new ecorder 210 and 410 units.
EChem  EChem Win v2.2.5 (17 Jul 2019) Support for V2 Licence code,er467,EA165
Mac * v2.5.7 * (23 Jul 2008) Support for the new ecorder 210 and 410 units.
PowerChrom  PowerChrom   Win v2.8.3 9 (May 2019) Support for V2 Licence code
Mac * v2.5.14 * (19 Mar 2009) New version provides compatibility with a new hardware revision.
C4D Detector  C4D Detector    Win v2.3.1 (27 July 2017) Configure the ER125 C4D Detector.
C4D Profiler V2  C4D Profiler V2   Win v2.5.3 (6 Mar 2019) Test and graph the operation of a ER225, ER815, ER825 or EA120 C4D Detector.
C4D Configurator  C4D Configurator   Win v1.1.8 (31 Aug 2018) Configure the ER815 or ER825 (when they have serial firmware). Not for the ER225, EA120, or ER815/ER825  with applications firmware.
ER8x5 Normalisation  ER8x5 Normalisation   Win v1.0.1 (28 Jun 2017) Normalise the signal from headstages on the ER815 or ER825 C4D Detector.
Sequencer  Sequencer Win v1.3.3 (20 Dec 2012) Configure and control the ER230 HV Sequencer.
Sequencer QuadSequencer Win v1.0.2 (14 Dec 2016) Configure and control the ER430 HV Sequencer
MF Configurator  MF Configurator Win v1.0.15 (31 Oct 2016) Configure the EPU452 Quad MF isopod
Pod-Vu  Pod-Vu Win v1.2.4 (31 Aug 2018) Easy to use logging and display software for USB isoPods.
tethaPod  tethaPod Win v1.6.6 (4 Sep 2014) Collect data from an eDAQ tethaPod system.
tethaQuick  tethaQuick Win v2.0.49 (6 Dec 2016) Collect data from an eDAQ tethaPod system, manufactured May 2015 or later.
Chart Extensions  Chart extensions Click link to see list of Chart extensions.
Utilities and Tools  Utilities and Tools Utilities, tools and drivers.

See which operating systems can be used with the various eDAQ software packages, on the Operating System Compatibility page.

*  MacOS software development was halted in July 2009. Last versions software for Intel based MacOS X systems (up to Mac OS 10.6.x) can still be downloaded. Follow the links above. Mac OS Lion (Max OS10.7), released in 2011, no longer includes the 'Rosetta' function which enables old eDAQ Mac software to run.  Windows versions of the software can be run on Mac OSX computers based on Intel processors using Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8 with a suitable virtual machine software such as VMware Fusion or Parallels.

If you would like to evaluate the software then please download it, as described above, and email us at for a temporary license code. Pod-Vu will run without a license code with one USB isoPod - a full license is required if multiple USB isoPods are connected to a single computer.

If you are already a customer you can use your existing license codes to activate the software as long as it is a similar version. For example normally a license code for Chart 4.0 would also work with Chart 4.0.2, or Chart 4.3. However a license for Chart 4.x will not work with Chart 5.0 – you would need to purchase a software update in this case. If unsure, simply contact us.

isoPods with USB connection may require a Virtual Serial Port driver to be installed. This is available from the Utilities and Tools page.

© copyright 2002 - 2025   eDAQ - data recording made simple
       website by frogwebworks
© copyright 2002 - 2025   eDAQ - data recording made simple
website by frogwebworks
© copyright 2002 - 2025 eDAQ - data recording made simple website by frogwebworks
© copyright 2002 - 2025 eDAQ - data recording made simple
website by frogwebworks