Using an e-corder over the Internet

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e-corder units can operate over Ethernet using a USB/Ethernet hub. We used a BELKIN network USB Hub model F5L009 and after installing the driver we proceeded to test various e-corder units - both 4 channel and 8 channel units were tested.

As the diagram shows, many different connections can be made. We have tested 4 e-corder units connected to a number of our computers through our inhouse LAN. We tested the e-corder units running at full speed.

  • One e-corder connected to one PC over the network
  • Several (up to 5) e-corders to one PC
  • One e-corder to many PC’s (but not at the same time)
  • Several PC’s each using one or more e-corders.
  • Wireless connection is course possible if a wireless router is available

  1. Only one user per e-corder at any one time (USB restriction)
  2. Used with Windows, Chart, Scope, Powerchrom and Echem oper
  3. Long distances operation using VPN is likely to work, conventional www probably will not.

Contact for more information or help with this configuration.