EP354 Dissolved Oxygen isoPod™
A compact signal conditioner for monitoring polarographic dissolved oxygen electrodes (Clark electrode).
Electrical isolation minimizes interference with nearby pH, conductivity, ISE and similar sensors used in multi-parametric studies.
Note that this unit must be used with an e-corder system or Integrated Potentiostat.
- Input Socket: BNC
- Ranges (and resolution):
20 nA (6.25 fA)
200 nA (62.5 fA)
2 µA (625 fA)
20 µA (6.25 pA) - Zero offset: ±20 µA
- Polarization: -1000 to -500 mV, 0 mV
- Isolation: > 250 Vrms
- Size: 108 x 58 x 35 mm; 200 g
More Information
EP354_dO2_isoPod (200 KB PDF)
Ordering: EP354 Dissolved Oxygen isoPod™
Also see:
ET1120 Micro Oxygen Electrode