ET916 Flow-Thru Conductivity Electrode (17 µL)

ET916 Flow-Thru Conductivity Electrode (17 µL)
A flow through conductivity electrode, for use with the EP357 Conductivity isoPod or EPU357 USB Conductivity isoPod. It has an internal volume of 17 µL and connects to 1.6 mm ID tubing.
Suitable for small volumes of biological fluids or similar aqueous solutions.
Range of measurement is approx 2uS thru about 20mS with proper calibration and flow control.
- Cell constant: ~1
- Cell volume: 17 µL
- Tubing size (ID): 1.6 mm
- Connector: BNC
More Information
(140 KB PDF)
Also see:
EPU357 Conductivity isoPod with USB
EP357 Conductivity isoPod
ET908 Flow-Thru Conductivity Electrode (93 µL)
ET915 Miniature Dip-In Conductivity Electrode
ET901 Conductivity Probe, k=0.1
ET902 Conductivity Probe, k=1
ET903 Conductivity Probe, k=10