ER455 Microchip Electrophoresis Kit

ER455 Microchip Electrophoresis Kit
- Complete system for microchip electrophoresis
- Floating, gated or pinched injections
The ER455 is a system for microchip electrophoresis experiments. It includes the C4D Data System, High Voltage Sequencer (HVS), the chip platform, chips and documented test solutions. This system must be used with either ET145-4 or ET190-2 microfluidic chips.
The system includes PowerChrom software for data collection and analysis, and QuadSequencer software for controlling the HVS unit for experiments with floating, gated or pinched injections.
The ER455 comprises:
- ER225 C4D Data System
- ER430 High Voltage Sequencer
- ET225 Micronit Chip Electrophoresis Platform
- EC020 Standard Test Solutions
- specify either ET145-4 Pack of four 45 mm Micronit MCE chips or ET190-2 Pack of two 90 mm Micronit MCE chips
A procedure using the ER455 can been seen here.
The ER490 is also a microchip electrophoresis system, but has the C4D electrodes on the platform rather than on the microfluidic chip.
Research Areas
- Contactless Conductivity
- Inorganic ions, organic molecules, pharmaceuticals and biomolecules
- Microchip Electrophoresis
Application Notes
- Anions by MCE-C4D
- Procedure for Microchip Electrophoresis with C4D with the ET225 and ER455
- Optimizing the C4D Settings using the C4D Profiler V2 Software
- Electro-osmotic Flow Measurement in a Microfluidic Chip
- High performance separation of quaternary amines using microchip non-aqueous electrophoresis coupled with contactless conductivity detection. Roger Cardoso Moreira, Marilia Sousa Lopes, Iris Medeiros Junior, Wendell K.T. Coltro. J Chromatogr A. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2017.03.062
- Multistacking from Two Sample Streams in Nonaqueous Microchip Electrophoresis. Lee Yien Thang, Hong Heng See, and Joselito P. Quirino. Anal. Chem., 88 (20), pp 9915–9919, 2016. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b02790
- Authenticity screening of seized whiskey samples using electrophoresis microchips coupled with contactless conductivity detection. Kariolanda C.A. Rezende, Roger Cardoso Moreira, Lucio Paulo Lima Logrado, Marcio Talhavini and Wendell K.T. Coltro. Electrophoresis, 37, 2891–2895, 2016. DOI: 10.1002/elps.201600277
- Monitoring of nitrite, nitrate, chloride and sulfate in environmental samples using electrophoresis microchips coupled with contactless conductivity detection. Camilla Benevides Freitas, Roger Cardoso Moreira, Maria Gizelda de Oliveira Tavares and Wendell K. T. Coltro. Talanta 147, 335–341, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2015.09.075
- Variability of microchip capillary electrophoresis with conductivity detection. Ratna Tantra, Kenneth Robinson, Aneta Sikora. Electrophoresis, 2013. DOI: 10.1002/elps.201300175
- μTAS (micro total analysis systems) for the high-throughput measurement of nanomaterial solubility. R Tantra, J Jarman. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 429, 012011, 2013. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/429/1/012011
Use of detection techniques for contaminant and corrosion control in industrial processes BG Harrell, SR Pinappu, GG Duggan - US Patent App. 14/478,954, 2014 - Google Patents. Separation is achieved by electrophoretic migration of solutes and differential partitioning. ... may be or include, but not limited to, …, ER455 Quad HV Microchip Electrophoresis Bundle supplied by EDAQ,
More Information
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Ordering: ER455 Microchip Electrophoresis Kit
Also see:
ER225 Contactless Conductivity C4D System
ER430 High Voltage Sequencer for Microchip Electrophoresis
ET225 Micronit Microchip Electrophoresis Platform
ET145-4 Micronit MCE Chip with C4D Electrodes (45 mm)